Per Rad Zum Müggelsee – Und Noch Ein Stück Weiter
Our house is in the middle of a nature and water protection area, you can explore the beneficial nature by bike - which you can also rent from us if you wish.
Traveling from the city center in combination with public transport is also very trendy.
Take the S-Bahn (S3) to Friedrichshagen, continue through the Spree Tunnel (here the bike must be pushed) and then drive off the road through the forest around the lake to the Müggelseeperle.
The European Cycle Route R1 - which connects people, nature, culture and nine European countries over 3500 kilometers from Calais to St. Petersburg - is right in front of us - follow it for a while.
Europaradweg R1 Euroroute - the original route, country information, stage calculator, maps and travel guides (
Müggelsee, Berlin, Germany Berlin Germany